Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam,
His Excellency, the President of India.
“I am delighted to participate in the inaugural function of the Seva Nilayam of the Rashtriya Seva Samithi (RASS). The concept of empowering rural population is indeed very important. Many agencies, both Government and private, are taking initiatives in the areas of training and capacity building, employment and income generation, welfare and gender sensitization with the ultimate objective of empowering women both economically and socially for making them equal partners in development. The efforts of RASS have the power of unleashing the full potential of half of the population of the country.
– Extract from the inaugural address made on 20th November, 2003
at Tirupati during the inauguration of RASS Seva Nilayam
The task force on self-managed institutions for integrated development, constituted by the Planning Commission, Government of India, during 1991, focused in its report on various dimensions of appropriate organization structures and systems with a view to promote people’s participation in the process of socio economic role. The task force had extensive consultations, discussions with voluntary agencies, officials, academicians, professionals, social workers etc., and made a list of voluntary institutions with successful track record for Planning Commission consideration. Rashtriya Seva Samithi is one among 23 voluntary institutions selected all over India in this connection.
– The Planning Commission, Government of India
Here the examples set by the dedicated service of the Rayalseema Seva Samithi in changing the backwardness of this drought prone region is worth emulating. Serving the poor people is a reward by itself, a much greater reward than any honour conferred, much greater than any position one can occupy. We have to take care of the neglected women, children and the aged in these areas. I congratulate Rashtriya Seva Samithi for choosing interior villages for its activities such as supply of protected drinking water, library and place for women and the aged, education for children All these make one feel happy.
– His Excellency Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma
The then Vice-President of India
Rashtriya Seva Samithi has been quite active in the field of rural reconstruction, child development, and upliftment of the downtrodden etc. for more than a decade. Its efforts have succeeded in creating a cadre of barefoot social engineers whose tireless efforts have helped generate awareness and self-reliance among the rural masses.
– Shri Krishan Kant
The then Governor of Andhra Pradesh
I am very much impressed by the work done by RASS in remote villages for the weaker sections, downtrodden and the disabled. It gives immense pleasure for me to see the activities personally. The voluntary organizations, which are committed, can deliver the goods effectively to the maximum satisfaction of the beneficiaries in the shortest time. I am congratulating the managing committee and hundreds of workers behind RASS.
– Mrs. Kumudben Joshi
The then Governor of Andhra Pradesh
The contribution of the voluntary organizations in the field of education, particularly literacy programme is commendable. I am congratulating RASS for undertaking literacy programmes in the districts by adding additional components to the programme. I am happy to participate in the literacy campaign movement to which RASS is committed.
– Dr. P.C. Alexander
The then Governor of Tamil Nadu and acting Governor of Andhra Pradesh
In recent years, Non-Governmental Organizations are in forefront and are actively involved in updating technologies and transferring the same to the field. Rashtriya Seva Samithi is a reputed NGO and is known for its dedicated services to the rural people in general and persons belonging to weaker sections in particular.
– Shri Nara Chandrababu Naidu Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh
I was fortunate to be present at the Rashtrapati’s Investiture in 1984, when Sri Rajagopal Naidu, was called upon by the President to accept the National Award for Child Welfare, 1984, on behalf of Rashtriya Seva Samithi for the exemplary achievements attained in the few areas chosen to strengthen the social fabric of that dry Rayalseema by putting new life into the social veins of their children. Ever since then RASS has under taken re-constructive and creative activities in the community. Beneficiaries gain a new hope in areas where living continues to be a burden to the rural folk to this day.
– Late Prof. N.G. Ranga Veteran Parliamentarian
Popularly known as RASS, the organization is serving the disabled by providing artificial aids and limbs. It also undertakes awareness programmes by conducting several camps. Through Day Care Centers, the organization serves the mentally retarded children and through community based organization programme its serves the other disabled children… the unique feature of this organization is its wide coverage; 2500 villages of drought prone districts of Andhra Pradesh are being covered to reach 2 lakh populations, in close co-operation with ICDS and other similar organizations.
– Ministry of Welfare, Government of India
That the voluntary organizations can also be very sincere and successful in their ventures has been proved by the activities or the Rashtriya Seva Samithi (RASS). The strategy and rationale behind the activities of RASS encompasses the ‘triangle model’ of development of the poor, covering education, health and welfare programmes.
– The Hindu Daily
RASS has reached a level that many voluntary organizations have failed to reach. From my one day visit to the toy making unit and the rest of the women’s programmes. I can see that this programme is really integrated and that “peoples’ participation”, especially that of women, is not just rhetoric but reality.
– Mr. Betty Robinson of UNICEF Canada
RASS is a Large Gandhian NGO. RASS has a very Indian vision, from Gandhi and Vivekananda and, more directly, from Prof.N.G.Ranga and P.Rajagopal Naidu, Dr.G.Muniratnam, the inspirational General Secretary, has built up work in 3540 villages in Southern Andhra Pradesh, and begun work in Tamil Nadu and Orissa. RASS began in 1981, and its first successes were in welfare. Funding came, for example, from child sponsorship from the USA, UK and France and through the governments Integrated Child Development Programme.
RASS believes that development of women transforms the entire family and so set up women’s groups. By 1989, Dr.Muniratnam felt that RASS’ employment training, job creation and education were still not enough, that success in welfare was a beginning but that people had to be better able to earn. Unexpectedly, the Mahila Mandals provided much of the answer when, in 1990, RASS has nearly 4000 staff and a budget of £1 million a year. About 60% is from the state, and much of the rest from Northern NGOs. And ‘the priorities of the poor are better identified by the poor themselves.
RASS is based in Tirupati, a great center for Hindu pilgrims to the temple of Balaji. It has an immense array of programmes, from continued sponsorship of children through a diploma in work with mental retardation to a wide range of activities linked to SHGs, including improved milch cow programmes, training for self-employment, savings-and-loan and micro credit. One key feature throughout has been a clarity of goals supported by a commitment to persuade partners and donors of the goals, weaving together all kinds of funding for all kinds of funding for all kinds of activities. The child sponsorship NGOs, for instance, found themselves sponsoring not selected individuals but all the poorest children in a village, and being persuaded to fund initiatives that benefited the whole community, such as clean water. Sponsorship would build a creche for the children of mothers working in the fields, and the building would serve also for non-formal education of children not in school and as the village community center. ‘Not only child. Child, family, community: an integrated approach’ (not traditionally popular with child sponsorship NGOs). Similarly, a range of donors supporting micro credit found themselves making loans for consumption as well as production, which was anathema to some.
Members of RASS SHGs are determined to give visitors a positive impression of their relationship with RASS (language barriers notwithstanding), and are very competent at doing so. RASS staff refers to the culture of RASS, its commitment, its personal relations, the trust, and the freedom it enjoys. This culture used to be created very much by Dr. Muniratnam, but in the late 1990s he moved to a decentralized structure of devolved projects, to devote more time to his national activities. RASS has a remarkable record of success that its new leaders are eager, in the new structure, to maintain.
– Janet Townsend Department of Geography, University of Durham UK and INTRAC Extracted from the Publication of doubly excluded… NGO’s in South India.