Primary Health Centre
The villages in the area of operation of the organization in Renigunta Mandal is drought prone and is also prone to typical diseases especially during the winter and rainy seasons. Common diseases such as viral fever, cold, cough and chronic diseases caused by mosquitoes such as malaria is most prevalent in the area.
As part of motto of holistic development of the beneficiary families and to cater to the needs of the families of the beneficiaries of child development projects and women empowerment projects in the area, the organization in association with ‘RASS-Mahila Jyothi Mutual Benefit Trust’ has embarked on a programme of running a Primary Health Center. Wherein a qualified Nurse would be on duty on regular basis giving primary health care services to the patients along with medication. Further, chronic ailments and critical cases are being referred to the nearest hospitals in and around Tirupathi.
The staff of health centre visit local areas and conduct awareness programmes on hygiene, safe water, better nutrition, etc., to make the beneficiaries self-reliant on preventing contagious diseases.