Krishi Vignan Kendra (KVK) – Farm Science Centre
KVK is an institutional project of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to test, demonstrate and disseminate the application of science and technology input of Agricultural research on the farmers field with the help of a multidisciplinary team of Scientists. KVK is an organized mechanism for front line extension programmes and it is an effective tool to help farmers to prepare them fit, tohelp and cope up with management of scientific agriculture for reaping rich harvest from their farm operations. Thus this centre serves as a light house for the overall development of agriculture and allied enterprises in Chittoor district.
Mandate and functions of KVK:
- To conduct On Farm Testing to identify location specific
- To organize Front Line Demonstrations (FLD’s) to establish production potential of the latest varieties/ package practices etc.
- Conducting trainings to orient extension functionaries in frontier
- Organize vocational courses in Agriculture and allied sectors for rural youth for generating sustainable self-employment.
- Provide farm advisories using ICT and other media means on varied subjects of interest to
- Production of quality technological inputs {seed and planting material) and make it available to farmers
During the year 2020-21 KVK has conducted ten On Farm Trials, 11 Front Line Demonstrations in different field and horticultural crops, sericulture and home science aspects. About 20,900 farmers and rural youth and 353 extension personnel were given capacity building on different crop production and protection aspects. About 4,400 farmers were participated in different extension activities like field visits, field days, method demonstrations etc. About 152q of seed and 3.1 lakhs of seedlings were produced at KVK and supplied to farmers. During this year 19 Mobile agro advisories were sent to 81,445 farmers in the district. In the soil testing lab 219 soil samples were analyzed and supplied soil health cards to farmers.