Home for Senior Citizen, Thondamanpuram is located near Srikalahasthi Town, Srikalahasti Mandal, Chittoor District. It is 110 km from Chittoor District headquarters, and 40 km from Tirupati. The famous Srikalahastheswara swamy temple is located in the mandal headquarters it is one of the famous pilgrimage center of the Chittoor District. The Home for Senior Citizen covers 20 villages with 3250 families and with a population of 12454. Agriculture in this area primarily depends on rainfall. Seventy percent of the people are living below poverty line. People in general and weaker sections in particular are largely engaged in agricultural activities and agriculture labourers, daily wage labours. Eigthty percent of the families have pucca houses. The other twenty percent lives in make roofing houses. The average income of the family ranges between Rs.9500 to Rs.10500 per month.
The centre consists of 05 rooms. One is common hall, and dining hall, kitchen next to it is recreational, rest room and clinical room. For recreational purposes colour T.V. is placed in the recreational hall. On the request of inmates the spiritual pictures will be shown to the aged to re-council themselves from and so on. The remaining rooms are used as store and kitchen cum dining, sufficient toiletry. All the food materials are placed in the store room. In addition we have provided furniture, cots with beds, blankets and necessary requirements of the centre.
On the basis of the standard criteria adopted, 25 inmates were selected from the nearby villages. They were all from poor and neglected families and who actually need help. They are all 60 + years. In this center 15 females and 10 males are residing in home and majority of the people belong to the backward classes and SC communities.
In the Home the grannies and granddads are being over 60 years of age. They have problems of defect of eye sight, development of immature cataract, partial deafness and joint pains. They were individually checked by Doctor and administered timely medicines to the grannies. Improvement in generally health has been observed. Provided mosquito nets, hot water to the Senior Citizens.
i) Food We are providing nutritious food for the grannies and grandads. Morning they are given break fast, tea and afternoon lunch and in the evening some of fruits and biscuits. Weekly 05 days providing eggs and provide non-veg on Sundays to the grannies. ii) Therapy With the advancing of age, most of our senior citizens cannot tolerate either extremes of heat or cold due to decreased vascularity of the skin. Many of them have suffered not only from bodily pains but also due to poor vision. They occasionally have respiratory infection. Sisters have taken preventive measures by administering timely medicines and so on. The senior citizens are checked twice in a month by Medical Doctor. Providing physiotherapy to some of the inmates as per their request. iii) Recreational Activities In the home most of the grannies and granddads had completely given up their recreational activities like gana bajana, devotional songs and drums. After admission into this centre, everyday all of them mixes freely and starts chit-chatting. We provided color LED T.V and Tape Recorder for recreational activities and library facility for literate inmates to read moral and spiritual books. 5. ACTIVITIES AT THE CENTER
After prayer, yoga classes and will be supplied break-fast. Some of the grannies will helping in the kitchen. Some of them will engage in rope-making and leaf-plate making and in gardening. After completion lunch some of the grannies will take rest and reading the books and watching entertainment (TV) programs. 6. STAFFING
This home consists of 09 members i.e., Superintendent (01), Social Worker (01), Medical Officer (01), Mid-wife (Nurse-01), Yogatherpaist (01), Cook (01) and Multi Task Staff (03). The Superintendent has organizes the activities of the home and maintains the stock and records & registers. 7. ACHIEVEMENTS
On the basis of consulting with the grannies and granddads it was found that this centre caters the various needs of the inmates like :
Apart from that RASS has taking all necessary steps to ensure that we are prepared well to face the challenges and threat posed by the growing pandemic of COVID-19 the Corona Virus especially concentrating in Senior Citizen Homes. All the inmates to have and completed the vaccination at the center. With active support of volunteers and local administrations involved to prevent spread of the virus is to empower the senior citizens with the right information and taking precautions as per the advisories being issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt., of India and Govt., Andhra Pradesh. RASS has initiation several measures like:
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