Medicinal Plants Conservation & Livelihood Activities
With the support of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Board, Vijayawada RASS has established a model nursery at RASS-Krishi Vigyan Kendra farm with prime objective of promotion and propagation of medicinal plants.
Objectives of the Programme
- To raise seedlings of the proposed species of medicinal plants (Saraca asoka, lemon grass, white sandal etc) and to supply the same to farmers.
- To create awareness and educate the farmers on propagation techniques, value addition and utilization techniques.
- To impart training on home herbal remedies for primary health care
- To create awareness in raising of nursery and cultivation of medicinal and aromatic, dye yielding and agro forestry plants to SHGs, VSS, CMEY Groups, water shed committees, volunteers, NGOs, Farmers, Farmer clubs etc.
- To train target groups in processing and marketing of value added products of medicinal and aromatic plants and to facilitate for establishing the processing units and marketing arrangements there by providing employment and income generation for rural un-employed youth, small and marginal farmers.
- RASS KVK has supplied about 66048 nos of medicinal plants of different varieties like Saraca asoca,Lemongrass,White Sandal, Red sanders, Ashwagandha, Sarpagandha etc for cultivation Chittoor and other Some of the species like Saraswathi, Pepper mint, Long pepper, Multivitamin plant, Stevia, lemongrass etc. were supplied to 957 beneficiaries for raising of home herbal gardens for primary health care.