BTR Colony is located 75 k.m away from Chittoor, the District Head Quarters and 15 k.m from Tirupati, a famous pilgrim centre. This Colony is economically poor and backward in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh. This village covers 7 hamlets with 662 families and with a population of 3423. All the families in this colony were daily wages labour.
This Home was started on 01.03.1992. The centre has been set up by a social organisation called RASS, Tirupati. The centre is being utilised as a rest house for the old people. It is also a cultural and sacred junction and income generating centre. The centre consists of 6 rooms. One is common hall and next to it is recreational and rest room. For the recreational purpose colour T.V. was installed in recreational hall. On the request of the inmates the spiritual pictures will be shown to the aged to reconcile themselves from personnel problems and also develop self confidence, faith in God and so on.
The remaining rooms are used as store and kitchen-cum-dining. All the food materials are in the store room for preparing food for the aged. In addition we have provided furniture, cots with beds and necessary requirements for the centre.
On the basis of standard criteria adopted by the agency the 25 inmates were selected from Tirupati Urban Slums. They were all from poor families with low economic status and actually who need help. They are all above 60 years. In this Home majority of the inmates are women. In this centre majority of people belongs to the SC and ST caste groups.
In this Senior Citizens Home the grannies and granddads being over 60 years of age. They have problems of defect of eye sight, development of immature cataract, partial deafness and bodily pains. They were individually checked by the Doctor and provided timely medicines. Some are having matured cataract were got operated. Improvement in general health has been observed. They are provided with two pairs of dress. Provided Bed Sheets and Water Filter to the Aged people.
I) Food We are providing nutritious food for the inmates, we provides morning they are given break fast, tea and afternoon lunch and in the evening some biscuits or fruits and night dinner as per Menu.
II) Clothing On ‘Ugadi’ and Dewali festivals we have distributed two pair of dresses for a year to each inmate and distribute the sweets to inmates of this Home.
III) Therapy With advancingage most of the aged cannot tolerate either extremes of heat or cold due to decreased vascularity of the skin. Many of them have suffered not only from bodily pains but also due to poor vision. Sisters have taken preventive measures by administering timely medicines. Monthly twice the doctor will check-up the inmates of this centre. Physiotherapy is providing for some of the inmates as per their request.
IV) Recreational Activities In this Home most of the grannies and granddads are completely given up the recreational activities. After admitted into this Home, every day all of them mixes freely and starts chit-chatting. We provided T.V and Tape Recorder for recreational activities and library facility for literate inmates to read moral and spiritual books. Inmates visited Regional Science Centre, Zoo Park, Chandragiri Kota etc. Once in a year the inmates are taken to visit the places of interest. Earlier they were completely deserted not only by the society but also by their own children. Today they have developed a positive self-esteem over future.
V) Income Generational Activities In this centre RASS has planned to undertake some of the income generating programmes. Initially it is proposed to take up leaf-plate making, glass-beads making for grannies and rope making for granddads. The income generated by the inmates through the different activities it will be utilized for their maintenance and also it will be given to the inmates. Due to these recreational activities inmates will develop positive self esteem over future.
VI) ACTIVITIES AT THE CENTRE : The 25 inmates of the home are from poor economic back ground. They stay at this home day and night. The inmates take bath first then they go for prayer in a separate room. After prayer they take breakfast in the dining hall. After breakfast they take some rest. Some of the inmates get involved in cleaning the provisions, vessels and in cooking. Those who cannot do any type of work sit under the tree and recollect their past experiences. We provide lunch in the afternoon. By 4.00 p.m. we give some snacks with tea and food and fruits in the night. Weekly five days they will be given eggs. Every month we are providing counseling for the inmates for strengthening of their mental health with professional Councilors.
VII) STAFFING : This home consists of 09 members i.e., Superintendent (01), Social Worker (01), Medical Officer (01), Mid-wife (Nurse-01), Yogatherpaist (01), Cook (01) and Multi Task Staff (03). The Superintendent has organizes the activities of the home and maintains the stock and records & registers.
VIII) ACHIEVEMENTS On the basis of interviews with the elderly it was found that this centre has achieved various needs like below:
a) Physical needs: Such as food, clothing, shelter etc. b) Psychological needs : Such as companionship, adjustment to the emotional insecurity. c) Sociological needs : Such as recreational activities, religious activities and other cultural activities. Most of the elderly expressed that they have become slightly self-reliant, because of their income generating activities. The earnings of the grannies and granddads will be useful to meet their sundry expenses. The objective of starting the Home for the Senior Citizens at BTR Colony, Mangalam was realized to some extent. Organizing important events like Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanthi, Children’s Day, Elders Day and Republic Day functions.
COVID-19 Related Activities
Apart from that RASS has taking all necessary steps to ensure that we are prepared well to face the challenges and threat posed by the growing pandemic of COVID-19 the Corona Virus especially concentrating in Senior Citizen Homes. With active support of volunteers and local administrations involved to prevent spread of the virus is to empower the senior citizens with the right information and taking precautions as per the advisories being issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt., of India and Govt., Andhra Pradesh. RASS has initiation several measures like:
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